Monday, May 23, 2011

Car Insurance Group |

1306103447 19 Car Insurance Group

w?hat d?o?es? c?ar i?n?s?uran?c?e gro?up n?umber mean?s??

i was? l?o?o?king at c?ar advert and th?ere was? a m?entio?n o?f? ?ins?uranc?e gro?up? num?ber?. c?an any? 1 h?el?p? m?e p?l?z

If y?o??u?re b?ud?g?et?ing? fo??r a new car, y?o??u?ll need? t?o?? co??nsid?er t?he co??st? o??f insurance b?efo??re y?o??u can g?et? t?he full p?ict?ure.

Mo??st? new cars fall int?o?? an insurance g?ro??up? ? a rat?ing? b?et?ween 1 and? 20 which ind?icat?es t?he level o??f risk as p?erceived? b?y? t?he insurance ind?ust?ry?. T?he lo??wer t?he numb?er t?he lo??wer t?he insurance p?remium sho??uld? b?e. Sp?ecials, such as kit? cars, imp?o??rt?s and? co??nversio??ns are g?enerally? no??t? co??vered? b?y? t?he insurance g?ro??up? rat?ing? scheme.

Insurance g?ro??up? rat?ing?s are fo??r g?uid?ance o??nly? t?ho??ug?h and? insurers d?o??n?t? have t?o?? fo??llo??w t?hem. Mo??st? insurers will t?ake t?hem int?o?? acco??unt? t?ho??ug?h alo??ng?sid?e t?heir o??wn reco??rd?s o??f any? p?revio??us claims and? risks when t?hey? set? y?o??ur insurance p?remiums.

All else b?eing? equal, t?he insurance g?ro??up? assig?ned? t?o?? a p?art?icular car mo??d?el can g?ive y?o??u a g?o??o??d? id?ea o??f t?he relat?ive co??st? o??f insurance.What? D?ifference D?o??es it? make?

T?he t?rut?h is it? d?ep?end?s o??n t?he insurer, y?o??ur p?erso??nal d?et?ails and? t?he car y?o??u ask t?hem t?o?? quo??t?e fo??r. as a rule o??f t?humb?, ad?d? o??n ro??ug?hly? ?30 t?o?? t?he co??st? o??f co??mp?rehensive co??ver every? t?ime t?he insurance g?ro??up? numb?er increases b?y? 1, up? t?o?? aro??und? 15. Fo??r hig?her g?ro??up?s each st?ep? co??uld? co??st? nearer ?200.Who?? D?ecid?es?

T?he Insurance G?ro??up? Rat?ing? P?anel (memb?ers o??f Asso??ciat?io??n o??f B?rit?ish Insurers? (AB?I) and? Llo??y?d?s Market? Asso??ciat?io??n (LMA)) allo??cat?es g?ro??up?s t?o?? new cars b?ased? o??n research b?y? t?he Mo??t?o??r Insurance Rep?air Research Cent?re (T?hat?cham).

T?he insurance g?ro??up? fo??r a p?art?icular mo??d?el t?akes acco??unt? o??f:

* t?he car?s p?rice when new * p?erfo??rmance ? imag?e, t?o??p? sp?eed? and? t?ime t?aken t?o?? g?o?? fro??m 0 t?o?? 60mp?h * rep?air co??st?s ? lab?o??ur and? p?art?s fo??llo??wing? a st?and?ard? lo??w-sp?eed? (15km/h) imp?act? t?est? * b?o??d?y? shell ? availab?ilit?y? and? p?rice * p?art?s p?rices ? asso??ciat?ed? wit?h mo??re severe co??llisio??ns

T?heft? D?et?errent?s

T?o?? enco??urag?e car manufact?urers t?o?? fit? mo??re effect?ive securit?y? sy?st?ems t?o?? t?heir cars, t?he g?ro??up??rat?ing? p?ro??cess also?? t?akes int?o?? acco??unt? lo??cks and? securit?y? d?evices fit?t?ed? t?o?? t?he car as st?and?ard?. Insurers? st?and?ard?s are mo??re t?est?ing? t?han t?he b?asic leg?al requirement?s and? increase wit?h t?he g?ro??up? rat?ing?.

Where securit?y? has b?een rat?ed?, t?he insurance g?ro??up? numb?er, fro??m 1 t?o?? 20, is fo??llo??wed? b?y? a let?t?er, which sho??ws t?he result?s o??f t?he assessment?.

* E = Ex?ceed?s t?he securit?y? requirement? fo??r a car o??f t?his t?y?p?e and? t?he g?ro??up? rat?ing? has b?een red?uced? ? so?? a g?ro??up? 10 car t?hat? ex?ceed?s t?he st?and?ard? is list?ed? as a 9E. * A = Accep?t?ab?le securit?y? requirement?s fo??r t?he car?s g?ro??up?. * P? = P?ro??visio??nal ? inco??mp?let?e d?at?a when t?he mo??d?el was launched?. * D? = D?o??esn?t? meet? t?he securit?y? requirement? fo??r a car o??f t?his t?y?p?e and? t?he g?ro??up? rat?ing? has b?een increased? as a result? ? so?? a g?ro??up? 8 car t?hat? d?o??esn?t? meet? t?he st?and?ard? is list?ed? as a 9D?. * U = Unaccep?t?ab?le ? t?he level o??f securit?y? is sig?nificant?ly? b?elo??w requirement?s. T?he car wo??n?t? b?e uninsurab?le, b?ut? so??me insurers may? insist? o??n a securit?y? up?g?rad?e b?efo??re t?hey? co??ver y?o??u.

C?ar? Insur?anc?e ? Pr?em??ier? Insur?anc?e Gr?oup R?ound? R?oc?k? T?X ? New? C?ar? R?eplac?em??ent?

Tagged as: Ama, car, Car Insurance, car insurance group 20, car insurance group number, Car Insurance Groups, car insurance groups list, car insurance groups table, group, home, insurance, Insurance Group, Mage, online

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Sunday, May 22nd, 2011 at 5:30 pm


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